child swimming in the pool

What Does Pool and Spa Warehouse Managers Say About Chlorine’s Ability to Exterminate Coronavirus?

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child swimming in the pool

As of this writing, there is no substantial evidence to show that the new novel coronavirus can spread to people via recreational water. But despite that, people who are frequenting water entertainment parks and playgrounds such as community pools, beach resorts, and hot tub spas are encouraged to avoid getting in close contact with people that don’t live with you. Health care authorities remind us all the time that this measure is our first line of defense against COVID-19.  Failure to observe fundamental security protocols increases our risks of getting infected by the dreaded virus. 

When authorities say that it is not possible to spread novel coronavirus to people through chlorinated water, does that mean to say that the chlorine kills the coronavirus for good? 

Only recently, scientists and healthcare experts are uncovering so many things concerning the coronavirus. They were generous enough to share with us the following basics. 

Chlorine Exterminates Coronavirus on Surfaces

Regular cleaning agents that we use right inside our homes that contain chlorine in them such as bleach, can be used for disinfecting surfaces. This measure will help extinguish germs that may be harboring on them. Aside from microbes and bacteria, it can kill viruses, too, upon contact. 

Such household cleaning products can be taken advantage of in keeping the coronavirus at bay, provided that we know exactly how to use them for this purpose, as per the recommendation of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency or EPA.  

When using these cleaning agents, it is crucial to follow to a tee the instructions that are usually indicated on the product label. Chlorine-based disinfectants are best used on solid and hard surfaces, but may not be as affected on softer materials such as fabrics and human skin.   

If you are intending to make use of bleach or any other chlorine-based cleaner, veer away from mixing it with other products that may have vinegar or ammonia in them. Doing so would run the risk of generating and the release of noxious gases into the surrounding air. When this happens, it will affect the quality of air that you are breathing. 

Chlorinated pool water is inhospitable to viruses

Provided that the right dosage of chlorine is mixed to pool water, it will be lethal to germs, viruses included. The chlorine amount in water should be properly monitored and maintained to keep its disinfectant qualities highly effective at all times.

This explains the reason why warehouse of spa supplies near me always keep an eye on pool water chlorine and pH levels throughout the day and make the necessary adjustments to their level as needed.  

With respect to the fact that chlorinated pool water can decimate microbes and viruses, the odds are high then  that it will be lethal to the coronavirus, too, although this has not been scientifically verified yet. 

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that provided community pools are maintained the proper way, pool water is sanitized according to recommended standards – the chlorine present in them should help in “deactivating” any coronavirus that may be lurking in it. Thus,  containing it and keeping it from infecting more people. 

Safety in Community Pool  

While we have ruled out that there is no possible way the coronavirus can spread to other people through contact with chlorinated pool water, there is still a handful of ways it can spread. 

Coronavirus is qualified as a respiratory type of virus which means to say they are spread through diminutive droplets coming from infected people when they sneeze or cough.  This is the reason why social distancing of at least 6 meters away from people outside your home is critical to curbing the rate of infection. 

Even when you are enjoying yourself in a community pool, you still need to observe the following measures to keep your chances of getting infected from low to zilch.  

  • A social distance of 6 feet from every person you don’t live with, regardless if you are in or out of the water. 
  • Wash your hands regularly with soap and water
  • In the absence of soap and water, keep a hand sanitizer close by. 
  • Refrain from touching your face. 
  • Wear a surgical face mask when you are out of the pool water. 
  • Try not to wear a face mask when in the water, you won’t be able to breathe when they are soaking wet.  

If the water entertainment facility or community pool is not overly crowded, it’s a haven for some afternoon fun. You need to observe safety measures at all times, but you need to consider leaving the venue at once the moment you feel you can no longer maintain them.